I admit I was a bit sad when Jonathan took this role because I thought he’d do more good in Community Building (my field of work). “Surely an Office Manager couldn’t be as impactful!” I bemoaned. But now that I’ve worked a while in Trajan house my eyes have been opened to the value of an outstanding office manager, and I’ve had to eat my words (and arrange to move to Oxford so I can work there permanently). So I think this role is surprisingly high value.
I admit I was a bit sad when Jonathan took this role because I thought he’d do more good in Community Building (my field of work). “Surely an Office Manager couldn’t be as impactful!” I bemoaned. But now that I’ve worked a while in Trajan house my eyes have been opened to the value of an outstanding office manager, and I’ve had to eat my words (and arrange to move to Oxford so I can work there permanently). So I think this role is surprisingly high value.