I’d really like to see a detailed write-up or resource collection on market-shaping. Approaches, best practices, etc. At least in biosecurity, more and more interventions are at a stage where the technical feasibility is more or less known (e.g., PPE, far-UVC), and the major bottlenecks can only really be solved by shaping the underlying market.
Not sure how transferable, but there is a large and recent literature on this from how we did this for clean energy—if relevant I can look up a review paper when back from holiday (next week).
I’d really like to see a detailed write-up or resource collection on market-shaping. Approaches, best practices, etc. At least in biosecurity, more and more interventions are at a stage where the technical feasibility is more or less known (e.g., PPE, far-UVC), and the major bottlenecks can only really be solved by shaping the underlying market.
Not sure how transferable, but there is a large and recent literature on this from how we did this for clean energy—if relevant I can look up a review paper when back from holiday (next week).
Thanks, that would be great!
Sorry to not be able to send something more comprehensive, but I think this is a good introductory resource that is relatively recent and policy oriented and probably has lots of good links/snowballing opportunities (https://www.energypolicy.columbia.edu/publications/bring-emissions-slashing-technologies-market-united-states-needs-targeted-demand-pull-innovation/).
Also the whole literature on “entrepreneurial state”, and “mission economy”, probably provides a good overview.
I also know that Schmidt Futures is quite into this, so talking to them could be good.