I laughed as I agreed about the “punchable” comment. Certainly, as a non STEM individual much of EA seems punchable to me, SBF’s face in particular should inspire a line of punching bags embroidered with it.
But for this to lead you to downgrade EA community building seems like wildly missing the point, which is to be less punchable, ie. more “normal”, “likable”, “relatable to average people”. I say this from huge experience in movement building...the momentum and energy a movement like EA creates is tremendous and may even lead to saving the world, and it is simply a movement that has reached a maturation way point that uncovers common normal problems like when you show up to your first real job and discover your college kid cultural mindset needs an update.
The problem is not EA community building, it is getting seduced by billionaire/elite/elon culture and getting sucked into it like Clinton hanging out with Epstein...Oops. Don’t reduce growth energy to a rare energetic movement, just fix whatever sucked people in towards the big money. Said with much love and respect for all you and the early EA pioneers have done. I’ve seen movements falter, trip and fall...don’t do that. Learn and adjust, but do not pull back. EA community building is literally the living body, you can’t stop feeding it.
I laughed as I agreed about the “punchable” comment. Certainly, as a non STEM individual much of EA seems punchable to me, SBF’s face in particular should inspire a line of punching bags embroidered with it.
But for this to lead you to downgrade EA community building seems like wildly missing the point, which is to be less punchable, ie. more “normal”, “likable”, “relatable to average people”. I say this from huge experience in movement building...the momentum and energy a movement like EA creates is tremendous and may even lead to saving the world, and it is simply a movement that has reached a maturation way point that uncovers common normal problems like when you show up to your first real job and discover your college kid cultural mindset needs an update.
The problem is not EA community building, it is getting seduced by billionaire/elite/elon culture and getting sucked into it like Clinton hanging out with Epstein...Oops. Don’t reduce growth energy to a rare energetic movement, just fix whatever sucked people in towards the big money. Said with much love and respect for all you and the early EA pioneers have done. I’ve seen movements falter, trip and fall...don’t do that. Learn and adjust, but do not pull back. EA community building is literally the living body, you can’t stop feeding it.