Fantastic writeup, I haven’t read all of it yet, but I really want to shout out whoever made the charts. All of these charts are super well done, I really respect the effort that went into them, and it totally paid off. Especially the first chart, that could have very easily been a very ugly pie chart, is instead a beautiful linear proportion chart. Hats off!
Thank you Chris! One would think that years of disappointing cake and pizza apportionment would have taught people that we don’t read things very precisely when they’re circles, but the pie chart remains...
Fantastic writeup, I haven’t read all of it yet, but I really want to shout out whoever made the charts. All of these charts are super well done, I really respect the effort that went into them, and it totally paid off. Especially the first chart, that could have very easily been a very ugly pie chart, is instead a beautiful linear proportion chart. Hats off!
That is Jamie Elsey’s magic, and I anticipate ‘more where this came from’ coming soon. :)
Thank you Chris! One would think that years of disappointing cake and pizza apportionment would have taught people that we don’t read things very precisely when they’re circles, but the pie chart remains...