[Talk Tuesdays] Learn how to make better decisions /​ Spencer Greenberg

Join EA Philly’s “Talk Tuesdays” watch party and small group discussion, featuring Spencer Greenberg’s 2020 workshop titled “Decision-making: learn how to make better decisions”:
---Spencer Greenberg explains the principles of effective decision making and helps you practice applying them to your own decisions.

After a <5min introduction, the featured talk and/​or Q&A (15-40min) will be shown over Zoom. Afterward, attendees will be divided into a series of rotating small discussion groups to chat about the session content. Optional discussion prompts will be provided to keep the conversation flowing.

Open to—Everyone! Though certain talks may be more “advanced” than others, Talk Tuesdays are geared towards a general audience who are eager to explore EA-related topics with an open mind.

Have a great talk or topic in mind for a future discussion? Let us know here: https://​​forms.gle/​​AcpD58kTbuwih9cYA

If you’d prefer to pre-watch this talk and join the event late, you may do so here:

Spencer Greenberg is a mathematician with an education from Columbia’s School of Engineering and New York University’s Courant Institute. His mathematical speciality is machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with the design of algorithms that can automatically learn from data. In 2005, at the age of 22, he co-founded a quantitative money management firm, Rebellion Research, which applies machine learning to long term investing. Spencer also co-founded AskAMathematician.com, a mathematics question and answer site with about 50,000 monthly page views.

Spencer has lectured extensively on a wide range of subjects, including artificial intelligence, investing, entrepreneurship, rationality, psychology, and mathematics. He has spoken at Columbia Business School, the Stern School of Business, and the Trinity School, as well as conferences such as TradeTech, QuantInvest, Skepticon, Strata Ignite, TEDxBlackRockCity, and Predictive Analytics World. Spencer has appeared on CNBC, Bloomberg TV, Canada’s BNN and Hong Kong’s Phoenix television, and has been interviewed by the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post, and Germany’s GEO magazine.

If you’re new to effective altruism (EA) and eager to get a quick introduction, check out this TED Talk by William MacAskill: https://​​bit.ly/​​EATedTalk. You can also read an in-depth introduction on the EA website: https://​​effectivealtruism.org.

For additional resources and community news, sign up for our mailing list (https://​​bit.ly/​​eaphilly-mailinglist) or subscribe to our Google Calendar (https://​​bit.ly/​​eaphilly-calendar)

We also have a Discord for sharing content, asking questions/​advice, and connecting with fellow EAs in the greater Philadelphia area. Join the community here: https://​​bit.ly/​​eaphilly-discord

We love feedback. Let us know how we can improve!
General Feedback: https://​​bit.ly/​​eaphilly-generalfeedback
Event Feedback: https://​​bit.ly/​​eaphilly-eventfeedback

Questions? Contact the organizers directly at eaphiladelphia@gmail.com