Sorry, I should have been more explicit at the start. You responded to a few of weeatquince’s points by saying they confounded specific narrower views with longtermism as whole, but these views are very influential within EA longtermism in practice, and the writing your OP is a response to dealt with these narrower views in the first place. I don’t think weeatquince (or Phil) was confounding these narrower views with longtermism broadly understood, and the point was to criticize these specific views, anyway, so longtermism being broader is besides the point. If they were confounding these more specific views with longtermism, it still wouldn’t invalidate the original criticisms, because these specific views do seem to get significant weight in EA longtermism in practice, anyway (e.g. through 80,000 Hours).
You seem to be interpreting my post as an attempt at a comprehensive refutation, when it is not and was not presented as such. I took some arguments and explored their implications. I was quite open about the fact that some of the arguments could lead to disagreement with common Effective Altruist interpretations of long-term priorities even if they don’t refute the basic idea. I feel like you are manufacturing disagreement and I think this is a good time to end the conversation.
What theories have you seen that do support the astronomical waste argument? Don’t almost all of them (weighted by popularity or not) depend on (impersonal) totalism or a slight variation of it?
As I said previously, this should be discussed in a proper post; I don’t currently have time or inclination to go into it.
Are you saying views accepting the astronomical waste argument are dominant within ethics generally?
You seem to be interpreting my post as an attempt at a comprehensive refutation, when it is not and was not presented as such. I took some arguments and explored their implications. I was quite open about the fact that some of the arguments could lead to disagreement with common Effective Altruist interpretations of long-term priorities even if they don’t refute the basic idea. I feel like you are manufacturing disagreement and I think this is a good time to end the conversation.
As I said previously, this should be discussed in a proper post; I don’t currently have time or inclination to go into it.
I answered this in previous comments.