This piqued my curiosity, so I looked into it — it seems that there’s a pretty equal split between pre-conference meetings scheduled (2449) and during-conference meetings scheduled (2039), with meeting confirmation frequency peaking on the Friday of the event. This is just EA Global: Boston 2023 data and I haven’t looked at the others — but it does indicate to me that we don’t want to set up systems that favour one type of user and disadvantaging another.
This piqued my curiosity, so I looked into it — it seems that there’s a pretty equal split between pre-conference meetings scheduled (2449) and during-conference meetings scheduled (2039), with meeting confirmation frequency peaking on the Friday of the event. This is just EA Global: Boston 2023 data and I haven’t looked at the others — but it does indicate to me that we don’t want to set up systems that favour one type of user and disadvantaging another.