It seems plausible that some people caught the “AI is cool” bug along with the “EA is cool and nice and well-resourced” bug, and want to work on whatever they can that is AI-related. A justification like “I’ll go work on safety eventually” could be sincere or not.
Charity norms can swing much too far.
I’d be glad to see more 80k and forum talk about AI careers that point to the concerns here.
And I’d be glad to endorse more people doing what Richard mentioned — telling capabilities people that he thinks their work could be harmful while still being respectful.
I, for one, am really glad you raised this.
It seems plausible that some people caught the “AI is cool” bug along with the “EA is cool and nice and well-resourced” bug, and want to work on whatever they can that is AI-related. A justification like “I’ll go work on safety eventually” could be sincere or not.
Charity norms can swing much too far.
I’d be glad to see more 80k and forum talk about AI careers that point to the concerns here.
And I’d be glad to endorse more people doing what Richard mentioned — telling capabilities people that he thinks their work could be harmful while still being respectful.