Why is the rate in ocean Oceania so low? I would naively have expected it to be decent but not as good as in richer parts of the world? Is “no data” being coded as “zero occurrence”?
That’s not a per capita rate, it’s a total count. The population of Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand is really small.
Thanks! I missed that it was absolute. A rate would make more sense, though I guess absolute numbers do tell us the size of the opportunity.
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Why is the rate in ocean Oceania so low? I would naively have expected it to be decent but not as good as in richer parts of the world? Is “no data” being coded as “zero occurrence”?
That’s not a per capita rate, it’s a total count. The population of Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand is really small.
Thanks! I missed that it was absolute. A rate would make more sense, though I guess absolute numbers do tell us the size of the opportunity.