Hello Adam! I had donated to GiveDirectly last year but was going to miss this year’s matching campaign if it wasn’t for this post. I have given almost nothing in comparison with you (just a mere 100€) but would to say I feel very grateful for being able to double my contribution thanks to you and that you’re an inspiration. I hope I too can contribute more in the future. Thanks!
I spent 3 hours answering questions on the Dividend Kings forums about Givedirectly, including numerous studies and video interviews.
One of of members posted a screenshot of a $10k donation he just made.
$20k effective donation.
42 people lifted out of poverty.
$52,000 economic impact.
51 hours left in the campaign.
$850,000 raised from 542 donations and 150,000 to go.
I donated an extra $2k myself after my best friend tipped me off to PayPal MasterCard which offers 3% unlimited cash back for PayPal purchases.
Givedirectly takes PayPal.
I was approved today and they offered 2k limit before I get the card.
So I donated it all to bring my total donation for the year to $5k.
What a wonderful way to end an amazing year.
Next year will be even better.
Hello Adam! I had donated to GiveDirectly last year but was going to miss this year’s matching campaign if it wasn’t for this post. I have given almost nothing in comparison with you (just a mere 100€) but would to say I feel very grateful for being able to double my contribution thanks to you and that you’re an inspiration. I hope I too can contribute more in the future. Thanks!
Every bit helps.
Thank you for giving what you can.
Humanity moves forward because everyone does what they can to contribute.
That’s good we continue slouching towards utopia, but by bit😉