Effective altruism is kind of emotionally hard. Compared to some other forms of altruism It often does not give you the “warm glow” feelings, smiling child’s eyes, etc.
This emotional feedback has to be supplied by the community. If it is missing, it has some unfortunate effects
it makes it harder to keep being an effective altruist
you get overrepresentation of people with less intense emotionality, people suppresing their emotions, etc.
Effective altruism is kind of emotionally hard. Compared to some other forms of altruism It often does not give you the “warm glow” feelings, smiling child’s eyes, etc.
This emotional feedback has to be supplied by the community. If it is missing, it has some unfortunate effects
it makes it harder to keep being an effective altruist
you get overrepresentation of people with less intense emotionality, people suppresing their emotions, etc.