SoGive Summer Internship & Volunteer Recruitment
We’re running a summer internship for people interested in gaining experience in charity analysis, it’s remote and somewhat flexible so could be a great chance to learn new skills this summer. Don’t hesitate to apply!
The GoogleDoc version of the advert for our internship can be found here, or you can read below to find out more. We’re also recruiting for volunteer analysts for those interested but who can’t commit to an internship, see details here.
SoGive—Internship Summer 2022
SoGive are looking for volunteer analysts for our summer internship programme. Their primary tasks will be to undertake charity cost-effectiveness analysis and provide preliminary reviews of grant applications. Initially this work will involve ‘shallow analysis’ of some of the UK’s biggest and most well-known charities to help inform donors who are using SoGive’s services. A few examples of recently updated charities include the following:
After mastering the shallow analysis, volunteers will then have the opportunity to take on more responsibility – including assisting with the initial review of grant applications for the recently launched SoGive grants. After the internship is over there may be the opportunity to extend for example doing more in-depth work of particularly promising/interesting charities, looking at charities within a particular cause area, improving SoGive’s analytical approach, or leading other volunteer analysts.
As well as the impact you will have on influencing donations, we think analysts can benefit from improved career options – e.g. former SoGive volunteers have gone on to work at other effective altruism-aligned organisations, including 80,000 Hours and Founders Pledge.
Experience and Skills required
SoGive’s approach is data-driven, but in-depth data science experience is not required. Some analytical abilities and an understanding of fairly straightforward quantitative models is needed. You will have the opportunity to learn a lot about applying analytical methods related to effective altruism, and will benefit from bi-weekly in-depth 1:1 support sessions from an experienced analyst.
We do need people with a good standard of written English – this doesn’t have to be perfect, but we want to be able to focus on analysis, rather than correcting grammar.
Time and Location requirements
This is a summer internship and the dates of the internship are 13th June − 5th August with the possibility to extend afterwards, and scale down to 1 day a week and continue with in-depth analysis alongside managing university or other demands.
We expect a commitment of 30 hours per week of work, there will be meetings 2x per week with your coordinator, alongside other group meetings you will be expected to attend, but otherwise you are free to arrange your working hours to suit you.
This role can be done fully remotely—we currently have volunteers across Australia, Asia, Europe, and the US.
Application process and timelines
If you would like to apply, or want to find out more: please contact and share (a) your location/timezone, (b) CV/resume/LinkedIn profile, (c) a piece of writing on any topic that demonstrates your ability to write clearly in English, and (d) mention how you found out about the role.
The deadline to apply is Sunday 15th May 23:59 UTC, and all applicants will hear back by 22nd May 2022.
Initial interviews will likely be held during the week beginning 23rd or 30th May 2022. The interview will be a 2-step process, with the first being a 45 minute interview to assess your analytical capabilities, and then a secondary more informal 45 minute call to discuss general fit and other requirements.
Please note that SoGive is also running a general volunteer hiring round if you would like to gain analysis experience but can’t commit to a summer internship. For more details, please see here.
Any plans to reopen this for 2023?