Since 2022, we’ve partnered with major news outlets but our ambition is to scale Tarbell far beyond this. We hope to grow into an AI journalism organisation of comparable size and prestige to the Pulitzer Centre by 2029.
We’re a small, but growing, organisation. To reach our impact potential, we need to hire world-class people. These first few hires are absolutely crucial and I expect they could be the most important that the organisation will make as they will determine our trajectory.
If you could take ~5 mins to help, I would be enormously appreciative:
Share these job postings directly with suitable candidates (template messages here)
Since 2022, we’ve partnered with major news outlets but our ambition is to scale Tarbell far beyond this. We hope to grow into an AI journalism organisation of comparable size and prestige to the Pulitzer Centre by 2029.
We’re a small, but growing, organisation. To reach our impact potential, we need to hire world-class people. These first few hires are absolutely crucial and I expect they could be the most important that the organisation will make as they will determine our trajectory.
If you could take ~5 mins to help, I would be enormously appreciative:
Share these job postings directly with suitable candidates (template messages here)
Refer specific people via this form
Apply here by July 21 (if you’re personally interested in being considered)