Background: The previous best-performing malaria vaccine in trials has ~55% efficacy
55·8% (97·5% confidence interval [CI], 51-60) efficacy over 12 months in African children.
Findings: 450 children were randomised to receive the R21/MM vaccine or a control rabies vaccine[...] Vaccine efficacy (VE) was 74% (95% CI, 63-82) and 77% (95% CI, 67-84) in the low- and high-dose adjuvant groups, respectively. At 1 year, VE remained high at 77% (95% CI, 67-84) in the high-dose adjuvant group
[Linkpost] New Oxford Malaria Vaccine Shows ~75% Efficacy in Initial Trial with Infants
Link post
Background: The previous best-performing malaria vaccine in trials has ~55% efficacy
More information/summarization on Derek Lowe’s blog.