I think so, specifically related to this point from the OP (but would be interested to hear if people don’t really think there’s any COI in either of these cases):
Consider a case of someone whose job it is to direct funding for a foundation sleeping with one of the people who runs an organization they might recommend funding. And let’s further imagine that the grantmaker and grantee both have a sophisticated understanding of power dynamics, great communication, solid introspection, strong self-confidence, and the best of intentions. Even then, this has corrosive effects on the community
See this comment and this comment (below- use rot13) from this post.
Gurer ner ehzbhef gung Flqarl Iba Nek (bar bs Ngynf’ pb-sbhaqref) vf qngvat/qngrq Pynver Mnory’f (gur tenag vairfgvtngbe sbe Ngynf nf yvfgrq ba gur cntr sbe gur svefg Ngynf tenag yvfgrq ba Bcra Cuvynaguebcl’f jrofvgr) uhfonaq, Ohpx Fuyrtrevf. Vf guvf gehr? Jul jnf gur tenag vairfgvtngbe sbe Ngynf Sryybjfuvc gur pb-sbhaqre’f oblsevraq’f jvsr? Abgr gung nyy guerr ner xabja gb or cbylnzbebhf va Onl Nern pbzzhavgvrf.
I think so, specifically related to this point from the OP (but would be interested to hear if people don’t really think there’s any COI in either of these cases):
See this comment and this comment (below- use rot13) from this post.
I think we don’t currently have much agreement on how to consider metamour CoIs. For example, Power dynamics between people in EA has:
And I’ve seen comments in the last few weeks that treat it as clearly an important CoI and others as clearly not.