Thanks for the post. It’s a good review I plan to consult whenever I need a reference on farmed animals welfare.
However, I believe that, at least for now, focusing on chicken prices / demand will likely be more effective than throwing disturbing truths on people. If you have any particular suggestions regarding this, I’d like to know.
I used to think along these lines, but I’ve been coming around recently, in part thanks to James Ozden’s writings on the radical flank effect. My current best guess is that the optimal path forward involves a predominant focus on the most pressing, incremental changes (welfare improvements for chickens and fish) while also having some people occasionally jumping in the public square and loudly reminding everyone that we’re doing something truly awful at a massive scale.
Thanks for the post. It’s a good review I plan to consult whenever I need a reference on farmed animals welfare. However, I believe that, at least for now, focusing on chicken prices / demand will likely be more effective than throwing disturbing truths on people. If you have any particular suggestions regarding this, I’d like to know.
I used to think along these lines, but I’ve been coming around recently, in part thanks to James Ozden’s writings on the radical flank effect. My current best guess is that the optimal path forward involves a predominant focus on the most pressing, incremental changes (welfare improvements for chickens and fish) while also having some people occasionally jumping in the public square and loudly reminding everyone that we’re doing something truly awful at a massive scale.