What a fantastic writeup, bookmarked for reading later.
To bolster your recommendation to donate to buy bednets I would signal-boost AMF CEO Rob Mather’s recent post on their >US$250M funding gap:
AMF’s 12 month funding gap sits at a little more than US$250m. This is made up of an immediate funding gap i.e. funds we can allocate immediately, of US$81.5m, a near term gap i.e. funds we would be able to allocate in the next six months, of US$75m, and a medium term gap i.e allocation in the next 7 to 12 months, of US$100m. More information here.
One of the reasons for the critical, immediate funding gaps is the shortfall in the total raised by the Global Fund in their last replenishment round which has meant that more significant funding gaps exist currently than had been hoped for or expected.
We feel fortunate as an organisation to receive occasional individual donations of tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Our lifeblood is the many tens of thousands of donations we receive that are of US$2, £5, €10, NZD20, CHF30, AUD50 etc that underpin our work. No donation is too small as every US$2 matters and buys a net that protects two people when they sleep at night. All donations, given our immediate gap, are put to work straight away with each donor seeing exactly where the nets they fund are distributed with an ability to track their progress from manufacture, through shipping and in-country transport, to eventual distribution.
What a fantastic writeup, bookmarked for reading later.
To bolster your recommendation to donate to buy bednets I would signal-boost AMF CEO Rob Mather’s recent post on their >US$250M funding gap: