With my current research together with John Vervaeke and Johannes Jaeger, I’m continuing the work on the cognitive science of rationality under uncertainty, bringing together the axiomatic approach (on which Stanovich et al. build) and the ecological approach.
With my current research together with John Vervaeke and Johannes Jaeger, I’m continuing the work on the cognitive science of rationality under uncertainty, bringing together the axiomatic approach (on which Stanovich et al. build) and the ecological approach.
Here I talk about Rationality and Cognitive Science on the ClearerThinking Podcast. Here is a YouTube conversation between me and John, explaining our work and the “The paradigm shift in rationality”. Here is the preprint of the same argumentation as “Rationality and Relevance Realization”. John also mentions our research multiple times on the Jim Rutt Show.
I’ve always admired your writings on the topic and you were one of the voices that led me to my current path.
Thanks, Anna!