I’m not the OP but according to this post, that should be perfectly fine— especially if you don’t mention voting what-so-ever. The idea is that upvotes and downvotes occur naturally and internally by the reader with no outside influence (or as little as there can be).
Sharing is simply sharing, and we should encourage it.
Thanks for the question and the answer. I agree with @David van Beveren — I think it’s fine to share posts with your organization! I think people often end up on posts that are relevant to them because someone shared them in a group chat or a shared space — I don’t want to discourage that. And I do this at CEA with posts that I write (I linked to my recent thread in a CEA channel earlier today and asked people to consider sharing recs/what they’re looking for).
Just don’t ask for upvotes. (Maybe a heuristic is: might an employee feel forced to go upvote it? Will they think that you expect them to upvote? If no, you’re probably ok. And when you’re voting, try to vote because you actually think more Forum users will appreciate seeing the post or because it’s a good example to follow, and be mindful about bias/partisanship.)
I’m not the OP but according to this post, that should be perfectly fine— especially if you don’t mention voting what-so-ever. The idea is that upvotes and downvotes occur naturally and internally by the reader with no outside influence (or as little as there can be).
Sharing is simply sharing, and we should encourage it.
Thanks for the question and the answer. I agree with @David van Beveren — I think it’s fine to share posts with your organization! I think people often end up on posts that are relevant to them because someone shared them in a group chat or a shared space — I don’t want to discourage that. And I do this at CEA with posts that I write (I linked to my recent thread in a CEA channel earlier today and asked people to consider sharing recs/what they’re looking for).
Just don’t ask for upvotes. (Maybe a heuristic is: might an employee feel forced to go upvote it? Will they think that you expect them to upvote? If no, you’re probably ok. And when you’re voting, try to vote because you actually think more Forum users will appreciate seeing the post or because it’s a good example to follow, and be mindful about bias/partisanship.)