1. Your style of writing doesn’t meet the standards of this forum. It’s vague and memey. I’m inclined not to be that bothered but it definitely is outside of the expected decorum of the forum.
2. You aren’t adding much to the conversation here, this is a pretty liberal forum and we already know Trump acts like a buffon and Elon is an anti-woke troll who has recently supported the AfD (I generally think people here are too quick to downvote things that feel low-effort, it’s probably directionally better if people spew a bit more garbage if that would generate more discussion and cause people to second-guess commenting less—and second I don’t think it’s so irrelevant that he did this although their are lots of other reasons to be concerned that are more concrete).
3. People here are on net not super involved in politics and might feel offended that you imply it is important since it hurts their ego, and since you write in a style that is not within the accepted standards it’s easy for them to express their discontent with your writing style even if the impetus to downvote is partially that they think you are being reactionary and disagreeing with their priors.
But yea I’d recommend writing something like ~ “The trump inauguration festivities have caused me to update towards thinking American politics is a more important cause area because x”. It still probably won’t be received particularly well here without being more quantitative/fleshing it out more but you won’t get 26 downvotes.
So I am basically the Trump of the forum, just not as influential or as rich as him lol.
I’ll address point by point, I would have made a post, but I am on timeout wooopsies.
My style of writing is really raw, stream of consciousness without thinking about what I type, I just type. I know I can be inflammatory sometimes, I like that way of communication, especially on sterile forums like this one, I feel like most of the posts here lack passion or a personal touch. They feel so well polished and digested, that they feel artificial at times. I like hot takes, I like angry posts and angry commenters.
I really am not, I feel like this forum is dead with posts or quick takes that are posted once or twice per day from the whole community. Even bad discussions in my opinion are better than no discussions at all, this place is a remake of silent hill most of the time.
People not being political on here is really weird for me because the whole of EA is affected directly by politics, from animal welfare to AI, everything is politics.
Anyways, thank you for your very constructive and well thought out response, thank you for taking the time, fairly new to posting on this forum and well I’ll probably melt in the pot, eventually.
For the record, while I don’t think your original post was great, I agree with you on all three points here. I don’t think you’re the only one noticing a lack of engagement on this forum, which seems to only get active whenever EA’s latest scandal drops.
Multiple reasons.
1. Your style of writing doesn’t meet the standards of this forum. It’s vague and memey. I’m inclined not to be that bothered but it definitely is outside of the expected decorum of the forum.
2. You aren’t adding much to the conversation here, this is a pretty liberal forum and we already know Trump acts like a buffon and Elon is an anti-woke troll who has recently supported the AfD (I generally think people here are too quick to downvote things that feel low-effort, it’s probably directionally better if people spew a bit more garbage if that would generate more discussion and cause people to second-guess commenting less—and second I don’t think it’s so irrelevant that he did this although their are lots of other reasons to be concerned that are more concrete).
3. People here are on net not super involved in politics and might feel offended that you imply it is important since it hurts their ego, and since you write in a style that is not within the accepted standards it’s easy for them to express their discontent with your writing style even if the impetus to downvote is partially that they think you are being reactionary and disagreeing with their priors.
But yea I’d recommend writing something like ~ “The trump inauguration festivities have caused me to update towards thinking American politics is a more important cause area because x”. It still probably won’t be received particularly well here without being more quantitative/fleshing it out more but you won’t get 26 downvotes.
So I am basically the Trump of the forum, just not as influential or as rich as him lol.
I’ll address point by point, I would have made a post, but I am on timeout wooopsies.
My style of writing is really raw, stream of consciousness without thinking about what I type, I just type. I know I can be inflammatory sometimes, I like that way of communication, especially on sterile forums like this one, I feel like most of the posts here lack passion or a personal touch. They feel so well polished and digested, that they feel artificial at times. I like hot takes, I like angry posts and angry commenters.
I really am not, I feel like this forum is dead with posts or quick takes that are posted once or twice per day from the whole community. Even bad discussions in my opinion are better than no discussions at all, this place is a remake of silent hill most of the time.
People not being political on here is really weird for me because the whole of EA is affected directly by politics, from animal welfare to AI, everything is politics.
Anyways, thank you for your very constructive and well thought out response, thank you for taking the time, fairly new to posting on this forum and well I’ll probably melt in the pot, eventually.
Thanks for the time fam, have a good one.
For the record, while I don’t think your original post was great, I agree with you on all three points here. I don’t think you’re the only one noticing a lack of engagement on this forum, which seems to only get active whenever EA’s latest scandal drops.