The first mini-event we have planned for Giving Season is Funding Strategy Week (Nov 4th – Nov 10th). Personally, I’m very excited about this. As a category of EA thought I think it has as much depth and potential for discovering cruxy disagreements as, say, the recent Animal Welfare vs Global Health debate.
However, it’s one of the less well defined themes, so you might not be immediately inspired to write a post. In this post, I want to lay out what we were thinking of when we came up with the idea, and give some examples of posts that would fit under the theme.
We were originally calling this week “Funding Diversification Week”. The narrowest interpretation of that term is something like “funding is very concentrated in OpenPhil, and we think this is bad, what can we do to change this?”. Posts that would fit under this theme would be things like:
What your org has done to fundraise from non-OP sources
A story of an organisation’s mission being subverted as a result of pressure from funders
How concentrated funding increases the risk of organisations collapsing (relevant)
We’d love to see posts like these. But we were also thinking of a much broader range of questions related to funding. Upon reflection, “Funding Diversification Week” was a bit of a misnomer. We’ve renamed the week “Funding Strategy Week”.
There are inputs and outputs in EA[1]. The outputs are all of the organisations, what the people in them do all day, and the research and interventions they produce. This is obviously a rich set of topics, where there can be a lot of discussion about even a tiny portion of it (e.g. there are 2162 posts on Cause Prioritisation).
The input side is just as important, and consists of questions about where funding comes from, how much there is, restrictions on its use, and similar questions for other inputs like talent, time, and social capital. A lot of this can fall under the banner of “funding strategy”. This grandiose vision of funding strategy being near-equal in depth to the whole “output” side of EA is what I want you to keep in mind when thinking about what you could write.
The next section gives some sorts of posts that would fit under this theme.
Posts which would fit under the theme:
Strategy for small donors
Whether to split your donations vs giving to one thing[2]
Giving now vs investing to give later
Giving to tried and tested (and OP funded?) orgs vs unknown/underrated/reputationally risky opportunities[3]
Earning to give
Stories from E2G-ers, about their strategy, personal experience, challenges and so on
Data visualisation on how much EAs (including E2G-ers) donate. I believe the latest on this is EA Survey 2020 Series: Donation Data, maybe more recent data doesn’t exist, but I’d be interested in someone trying
High-upside vs predictable career choices
Solutions to funding problems without getting more funding
Input from wealthy and EA-adjacent people (e.g. Vitalik Buterin) who don’t donate to the standard “big EA” charities, on their reasoning behind their personal giving
Posts from people who work with High Net Worth Individuals (e.g. Founder’s Pledge), on whatever insights they have as a result of this
Fact posts (underrated)- posts which contribute to our collective understanding of the funding ecosystem
For many of these, we have specific people in mind who we would love to hear from, and we’ll be reaching out to you if you are one of them. If you know someone who has interesting thoughts on topics like these, you can claim some sweet counterfactual impact by reaching out to them too.
I stand behind something like this dichotomy, although if you think too closely about what counts as an “input” or “output” it falls apart. So please try to interpret it as a vibe level thing for the purposes of this post
What I’d like to see during Funding Strategy Week
The first mini-event we have planned for Giving Season is Funding Strategy Week (Nov 4th – Nov 10th). Personally, I’m very excited about this. As a category of EA thought I think it has as much depth and potential for discovering cruxy disagreements as, say, the recent Animal Welfare vs Global Health debate.
However, it’s one of the less well defined themes, so you might not be immediately inspired to write a post. In this post, I want to lay out what we were thinking of when we came up with the idea, and give some examples of posts that would fit under the theme.
We were originally calling this week “Funding Diversification Week”. The narrowest interpretation of that term is something like “funding is very concentrated in OpenPhil, and we think this is bad, what can we do to change this?”. Posts that would fit under this theme would be things like:
What your org has done to fundraise from non-OP sources
A story of an organisation’s mission being subverted as a result of pressure from funders
How concentrated funding increases the risk of organisations collapsing (relevant)
We’d love to see posts like these. But we were also thinking of a much broader range of questions related to funding. Upon reflection, “Funding Diversification Week” was a bit of a misnomer. We’ve renamed the week “Funding Strategy Week”.
There are inputs and outputs in EA[1]. The outputs are all of the organisations, what the people in them do all day, and the research and interventions they produce. This is obviously a rich set of topics, where there can be a lot of discussion about even a tiny portion of it (e.g. there are 2162 posts on Cause Prioritisation).
The input side is just as important, and consists of questions about where funding comes from, how much there is, restrictions on its use, and similar questions for other inputs like talent, time, and social capital. A lot of this can fall under the banner of “funding strategy”. This grandiose vision of funding strategy being near-equal in depth to the whole “output” side of EA is what I want you to keep in mind when thinking about what you could write.
The next section gives some sorts of posts that would fit under this theme.
Posts which would fit under the theme:
Strategy for small donors
Whether to split your donations vs giving to one thing[2]
Giving now vs investing to give later
Giving to tried and tested (and OP funded?) orgs vs unknown/underrated/reputationally risky opportunities[3]
Earning to give
Stories from E2G-ers, about their strategy, personal experience, challenges and so on
Data visualisation on how much EAs (including E2G-ers) donate. I believe the latest on this is EA Survey 2020 Series: Donation Data, maybe more recent data doesn’t exist, but I’d be interested in someone trying
High-upside vs predictable career choices
Solutions to funding problems without getting more funding
How to be frugal (as a person or org). Or “a good steward of funding”, e.g. keeping your funding in a money market account
Promoting things to mainstream appeal, à la PEPFAR or LEAF
When should we value volunteering/pro-bono work over direct funding?
Non-standard funding mechanisms
Introducing new funding mechanisms (like this)
Donor lotteries
Impact certificates and prizes
Donation matching
Large donors
Input from wealthy and EA-adjacent people (e.g. Vitalik Buterin) who don’t donate to the standard “big EA” charities, on their reasoning behind their personal giving
Posts from people who work with High Net Worth Individuals (e.g. Founder’s Pledge), on whatever insights they have as a result of this
Fact posts (underrated)- posts which contribute to our collective understanding of the funding ecosystem
Anything like this spreadsheet that @Hamish McDoodles kindly created
Changes in the proportion + demographics of people doing Earning to Give over time
How big is the pool of near-EA funding (e.g. The Navigation Fund)
For many of these, we have specific people in mind who we would love to hear from, and we’ll be reaching out to you if you are one of them. If you know someone who has interesting thoughts on topics like these, you can claim some sweet counterfactual impact by reaching out to them too.
I stand behind something like this dichotomy, although if you think too closely about what counts as an “input” or “output” it falls apart. So please try to interpret it as a vibe level thing for the purposes of this post
There is at least one previous post about this, I feel the state of the art could be improved upon
I am personally planning a post on the value of small donor dollars relative to OP dollars for earlier stage opportunities