Location: Vermont, USA
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
- Research, especially computational and quantitative disciplines
- Data analytics & data science. A decent theoretical and practical background in Statistical or Machine Learning--things like Support Vector Machines which were state-of-the-art ~10 years ago, theoretical grasp of e.g. neural networks but zero implementation experience.
- Programming (web development, data science with R, scientific computation)
- See my website: https://tobyweed.herokuapp.com/
- ~Math~ (undergrad degree, see CV). Undergrad thesis in the applications of Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces to machine learning.
- Scientific communication and writing
- Website: https://tobyweed.herokuapp.com
- CV: https://tobyweed.herokuapp.com/pics/tobyweed_CV.pdf
Email: tobyweed@gmail.com
Notes: I’m a recent math undergrad who’s long had an interest in EA and existential risk. Hoping to contribute to ambitious research agendas related to AI governance, (technical) AI safety & alignment, or macrostrategy.
TobyW answers Who wants to be hired? (May-September 2022)