Location: Southeast USA
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Skills: I’m kind of a jack of many trades
Ran Press advisory, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MailChimp, and Wordpress for a winning statewide primary campaign
Ranked website #1 on Google and Bing for target keywords
Donor outreach & grant writing
Organizing & Community Building
I’ve planned and hosted a number of local political events such as door knocking, phone banking, and friend outreach training
I’m currently working on organizing some phonebanks for Maxwell Frost, a candidate in an open seat who has pandemic prevention as a policy priority
I’ve started writing some fiction and nonfiction stuff and I plan to share it soon. Message if you want to see samples before then.
Audio Production
Recording, editing, basic engineering
Audacity, Reaper, iZotope RX 8
I’ve been practicing and taking a few classes. I clean up audio a bit when I port videos to EARadio
Graphic Design
GIMP, Inkscape
Video editing
ShotCut, Adobe Premiere
Narration, voice acting
Still learning, but I’ve been helping create audio versions for the EA creative writing contest winners.
Location: Southeast USA
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Skills: I’m kind of a jack of many trades
Ran Press advisory, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MailChimp, and Wordpress for a winning statewide primary campaign
Ranked website #1 on Google and Bing for target keywords
Donor outreach & grant writing
Organizing & Community Building
I’ve planned and hosted a number of local political events such as door knocking, phone banking, and friend outreach training
I’m currently working on organizing some phonebanks for Maxwell Frost, a candidate in an open seat who has pandemic prevention as a policy priority
I’ve started writing some fiction and nonfiction stuff and I plan to share it soon. Message if you want to see samples before then.
Audio Production
Recording, editing, basic engineering
Audacity, Reaper, iZotope RX 8
I’ve been practicing and taking a few classes. I clean up audio a bit when I port videos to EARadio
Graphic Design
GIMP, Inkscape
Video editing
ShotCut, Adobe Premiere
Narration, voice acting
Still learning, but I’ve been helping create audio versions for the EA creative writing contest winners.