Thanks, this was interesting. Reading this I think maybe I have a bit of a higher bar than you re what counts as transformative (i.e. at least as big a deal as the industrial revolution). And again, just to say I did give some probability to transformative AI that didn’t act through economic growth. But the main thing that stands out to me is that I haven’t really thought all that much about what the different ways powerful AI might be transformative (as is also the case for almost everything else here too!).
Thanks, this was interesting. Reading this I think maybe I have a bit of a higher bar than you re what counts as transformative (i.e. at least as big a deal as the industrial revolution). And again, just to say I did give some probability to transformative AI that didn’t act through economic growth. But the main thing that stands out to me is that I haven’t really thought all that much about what the different ways powerful AI might be transformative (as is also the case for almost everything else here too!).