I think a major reason that I write those posts is because I’m worried that I persuaded someone of claims that I now believe to be false; I hope that if they hear I changed my mind, they might feel more skeptical of arguments that I made in the past.
I mostly don’t try to write up the arguments that persuaded me because it feels hard and time-consuming.
I’m definitely not trying to avoid “giving away the answers”. I’m sorry that this is annoying :( I definitely don’t feel that it’s unreasonable for people to not try to update on my mind changing.
I agree with Issa about the costs of not giving reasons. My guess is that over the long run, giving reasons why you believe what you believe will be a better strategy to avoid convincing people of false things. Saying you believed X and now believe ~X seems like it’s likely to convince people of ~X even more strongly.
I think a major reason that I write those posts is because I’m worried that I persuaded someone of claims that I now believe to be false; I hope that if they hear I changed my mind, they might feel more skeptical of arguments that I made in the past.
I mostly don’t try to write up the arguments that persuaded me because it feels hard and time-consuming.
I’m definitely not trying to avoid “giving away the answers”. I’m sorry that this is annoying :( I definitely don’t feel that it’s unreasonable for people to not try to update on my mind changing.
I agree with Issa about the costs of not giving reasons. My guess is that over the long run, giving reasons why you believe what you believe will be a better strategy to avoid convincing people of false things. Saying you believed X and now believe ~X seems like it’s likely to convince people of ~X even more strongly.