Hello all, I am new here, and discovered the forum while looking for sources of statistical data and research to assist in writing articles pertaining to criminal justice reform. My goal is to open a non-profit in Louisville, Kentucky that will assist ex-felons, and others, obtain jobs, find housing, file for expungements, etc. My program will be innovative and one of a kind because it will incorporate the ability to closely observe the way a small business operates with the forming of a barbecue/catering/food truck operation simulataneouslym. which would serve as a working model of how small businesses operate. The program would encourage the formation of small businesses by showing that this can prove to be a fairly simple process. The issues faced by the criminal justice system require us to look at the system from a different angle. Personally, my focus is on the period immediately leading up to and following release. In the last decade we witnessed massive increases in the number of people interested in social issues, especially criminal justice reform, however, little seems to have come from it. In reality, there appears to be a distance between academia and organizers. Likely because academics can be a bit snooty, but in many respects have the right be. They know the answers lie in the research that they tirelessly work to produce. There is a strong argument that community centers with adequate programs are the answer. Seeing people all riled up about issues with no clear guidance or goals can be frustrating. To resolve this, researchers could spend more time getting the research into the hands of organizers and helping to fund or promote ideas that they believe would work. I would like to do more than just think about my ideas and plan to establish these programs with the goal of reducing crime and helping people maintain positive lifestyles free of crime. I have started a GoFundMe for this purpose, mostly because I was not sure about where else to start. My social media pages have been inactive so long that I have lost touch with many people sharing similar interests. however, I look forward to interacting with people on these issues.
I think it is really nice that you want to improve the world and do something good, like helping those which are forgotten by the system. But I see some problems with your fundraising.
If I wanted to support your cause, I would need to trust you that you are capable to achieve the goals you set. So far you are presenting the idea and state that you don’t have social network to promote it too. Who are you and why can you achieve your goal?
There is also the challenge that you have to convince me, that your NGO is more efficient in improving the lives of your participants than a charity evaluated by GiveWell. How would the life of your partitioners change with your program? Is there a roadmap or a theory of change?
In short, you want to give prisoners and ex-felons the opportunity to work in your catering, for them to get a foot on the ground after they’re released. Why is your program better than others, can you give us more evidence?
Hello all, I am new here, and discovered the forum while looking for sources of statistical data and research to assist in writing articles pertaining to criminal justice reform. My goal is to open a non-profit in Louisville, Kentucky that will assist ex-felons, and others, obtain jobs, find housing, file for expungements, etc. My program will be innovative and one of a kind because it will incorporate the ability to closely observe the way a small business operates with the forming of a barbecue/catering/food truck operation simulataneouslym. which would serve as a working model of how small businesses operate. The program would encourage the formation of small businesses by showing that this can prove to be a fairly simple process. The issues faced by the criminal justice system require us to look at the system from a different angle. Personally, my focus is on the period immediately leading up to and following release. In the last decade we witnessed massive increases in the number of people interested in social issues, especially criminal justice reform, however, little seems to have come from it. In reality, there appears to be a distance between academia and organizers. Likely because academics can be a bit snooty, but in many respects have the right be. They know the answers lie in the research that they tirelessly work to produce. There is a strong argument that community centers with adequate programs are the answer. Seeing people all riled up about issues with no clear guidance or goals can be frustrating. To resolve this, researchers could spend more time getting the research into the hands of organizers and helping to fund or promote ideas that they believe would work. I would like to do more than just think about my ideas and plan to establish these programs with the goal of reducing crime and helping people maintain positive lifestyles free of crime. I have started a GoFundMe for this purpose, mostly because I was not sure about where else to start. My social media pages have been inactive so long that I have lost touch with many people sharing similar interests. however, I look forward to interacting with people on these issues.
Hi Angela,
welcome to the forum. :)
I think it is really nice that you want to improve the world and do something good, like helping those which are forgotten by the system. But I see some problems with your fundraising.
If I wanted to support your cause, I would need to trust you that you are capable to achieve the goals you set. So far you are presenting the idea and state that you don’t have social network to promote it too. Who are you and why can you achieve your goal?
There is also the challenge that you have to convince me, that your NGO is more efficient in improving the lives of your participants than a charity evaluated by GiveWell. How would the life of your partitioners change with your program? Is there a roadmap or a theory of change?
In short, you want to give prisoners and ex-felons the opportunity to work in your catering, for them to get a foot on the ground after they’re released. Why is your program better than others, can you give us more evidence?
With kind regards