On the other hand, taxes are not entirely “money lost”—a good part of government spending goes into causes that you may not be entirely averse to—although it’s hard to tell what a marginal dollar will do, e.g. whether it will be used to cut the taxes of millionaires, or to provide social benefits to the poor.
To your point on marginal impact—governments certainly don’t spend money they take in dollar for dollar, and in fact it seems the correlation between intake and expenditure is quite far from 1:1. US government debt is on the order of trillions of dollars, so while its maybe slightly better than flushing your money down the toilet, I’m not sure I’d value it much higher
To your point on marginal impact—governments certainly don’t spend money they take in dollar for dollar, and in fact it seems the correlation between intake and expenditure is quite far from 1:1. US government debt is on the order of trillions of dollars, so while its maybe slightly better than flushing your money down the toilet, I’m not sure I’d value it much higher