I do believe this is valid for the reasons you have brought up and also true on the market level. I would argue that a generic idea a firm can adopt as its own (own it) is more commercially attractive than a product explicitly corellated with an unmanageable social movement. The decision to move this product outside of our brand is small but important, and I opt for it.
The remaining question to everyone then is how to build and market that product? Wouldn’t the criteria of importance, tractability and uncrowdedness be a good start (as mentioned by William Saunders in this thread*) How to control the risks suggested by Tyler?
I do believe this is valid for the reasons you have brought up and also true on the market level. I would argue that a generic idea a firm can adopt as its own (own it) is more commercially attractive than a product explicitly corellated with an unmanageable social movement. The decision to move this product outside of our brand is small but important, and I opt for it.
The remaining question to everyone then is how to build and market that product? Wouldn’t the criteria of importance, tractability and uncrowdedness be a good start (as mentioned by William Saunders in this thread*) How to control the risks suggested by Tyler?