Park picnic discussion: critiquing Effective Altruism

(PLEASE NOTE THE CHANGE OF VENUE—if the weather’s nice, we’ll be meeting at the top of Western Park, near the statues. If it’s nasty, we’ll be in Lim Chhour food court on K Road.) We’re gonna try a picnic, so if you feel so inclined, bring along some snacks to share. It’s completely fine to not bring anything!

For this month’s discussion, we’re going to go through the results of the recent EA criticism contest. Richard will summarise the general gist of the winning entries, and then we can talk about which ones we found interesting.

Have a look through the post on the EA forum. If there are any criticisms you’re particularly interested in, check out the specific posts.

Some prompts to think about:

  • Are there any general themes that we can pick up from the winning entries?

  • Meta: is EA too self-critical? Or not enough?

  • Do you have any criticisms of EA you haven’t seen addressed?

LOCATION: Western Park, up the top (Ponsonby road), near the statues.

Please note that this is an established community with its own culture and shared values. We warmly welcome new members, but you may find you get more out of the discussion if you’re familiar with some basic EA concepts. We’d love to lend books and recommend specific resources aligned with your interests—please let the organisers know how they can help. In the meantime, here are some solid introductory resources:

OPEN TO ALL: Our group is open to people from all stages and walks of life including working professionals, students, and retirees. We strive to ensure a diverse set of voices are heard, and we emphasise that women and non-binary people, tangata whenua and other people of colour, and people of all religions, belief systems, and political perspectives are welcome at our meetings.

TIME: Don’t worry if you can’t make it on time. It’s fine to turn up late.

READ UP: Discussion goes better when you come informed. At the same time, if you don’t get a chance to read up, we’d rather you still come along than not!

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