this could be true, i don’t have a good sense of who’s most prestigious in EA aside from the obvious* - my claim is more that i’ve seen this happen in examples and that it would be bad if that was happening all the time, but i am not attuned enough to broad EA social dynamics to know if that is happening all the time
*the obvious ones are the ones who are prestigious because they Did Something a long time ago, which I think doesn’t really count as a counterexample to the critical tendency as it manifests now
this could be true, i don’t have a good sense of who’s most prestigious in EA aside from the obvious* - my claim is more that i’ve seen this happen in examples and that it would be bad if that was happening all the time, but i am not attuned enough to broad EA social dynamics to know if that is happening all the time
*the obvious ones are the ones who are prestigious because they Did Something a long time ago, which I think doesn’t really count as a counterexample to the critical tendency as it manifests now