According to the twin study of one of the quoted papers, if I don’t misunderstand it, 70-80% of abstinence from various animal products can be ascribed to genetic influence, regardless of people’s conscious reasons. This is striking to the point that I am initially sceptical. They cite similar results specific to vegetarianism and veganism from another paper in 2021,
I’ll confess that my first response wasn’t to actually look at the papers- I was in poor mental health and productivity condition at the time. Instead I searched the EA forums to see what the community consensus was on heritable diet preference. But searching ‘meat genetics’, ‘vegetarian genetics’ and ‘vegan genetics’, and those search terms in reverse order, on the EA forums, I saw only one post that used both terms in the immediate search results, suggesting this is not widely discussed here. In that context it was talking about whether EAs have to trade off their health to go vegan. This paper was not cited.
I have no domain specific knowledge, so I’d like others to weigh in. How convincing are these studies, and what do the results mean from the more general standpoint of animal advocacy?
If there are fixed individual genetic markers that cause people to feel significantly worse after giving up meat and/or dairy, that might be causing a disconnect between veg*ns who say it’s easy and ex-veg*ns who claim to- in extreme cases- have almost died, both believing the other side is engaging in motivated reasoning. And perhaps general acceptance of the moral necessity of vegetarian and/or vegan diets is going to be more difficult than we’d thought, barring improved plant-based substitutes that mimic real meat, human gene editing, or some great strides in nutritional science that can isolate the necessary nutrients. I cautiously agree with Singer’s stance that even if human nutrition was suboptimal it’d be worth it, but I imagine advocates would struggle to convince a public if a vocal minority were experiencing personal problems from the transition.
As someone new to the forums I don’t know how to weight ‘these studies are misleading/wrong and everybody already knows’ vs ‘nobody else has posted this vital info specifically yet’ or various points in between. Either way it will be a learning experience.
Summary- these two twin studies claim a person’s willingness to stick with veg*n diets, regardless of their stated reasons, are 70-80% inborn. Few people in EA seem to be talking about this topic. If true, it could explain the wildly different accounts of the effect of veg*n diets on health, and presents barriers to making veg*nism normal. I’d like better-informed people with more domain knowledge to weigh in on whether these are good studies and my interpretation is correct.
Vegetarianism is mostly genetic, claim Wesseldijk et al.
I found this topic first from a short snippet in The Week, then from the news article
According to the twin study of one of the quoted papers, if I don’t misunderstand it, 70-80% of abstinence from various animal products can be ascribed to genetic influence, regardless of people’s conscious reasons. This is striking to the point that I am initially sceptical. They cite similar results specific to vegetarianism and veganism from another paper in 2021,
I’ll confess that my first response wasn’t to actually look at the papers- I was in poor mental health and productivity condition at the time. Instead I searched the EA forums to see what the community consensus was on heritable diet preference. But searching ‘meat genetics’, ‘vegetarian genetics’ and ‘vegan genetics’, and those search terms in reverse order, on the EA forums, I saw only one post that used both terms in the immediate search results, suggesting this is not widely discussed here. In that context it was talking about whether EAs have to trade off their health to go vegan. This paper was not cited.
I have no domain specific knowledge, so I’d like others to weigh in. How convincing are these studies, and what do the results mean from the more general standpoint of animal advocacy?
If there are fixed individual genetic markers that cause people to feel significantly worse after giving up meat and/or dairy, that might be causing a disconnect between veg*ns who say it’s easy and ex-veg*ns who claim to- in extreme cases- have almost died, both believing the other side is engaging in motivated reasoning. And perhaps general acceptance of the moral necessity of vegetarian and/or vegan diets is going to be more difficult than we’d thought, barring improved plant-based substitutes that mimic real meat, human gene editing, or some great strides in nutritional science that can isolate the necessary nutrients. I cautiously agree with Singer’s stance that even if human nutrition was suboptimal it’d be worth it, but I imagine advocates would struggle to convince a public if a vocal minority were experiencing personal problems from the transition.
As someone new to the forums I don’t know how to weight ‘these studies are misleading/wrong and everybody already knows’ vs ‘nobody else has posted this vital info specifically yet’ or various points in between. Either way it will be a learning experience.
Summary- these two twin studies claim a person’s willingness to stick with veg*n diets, regardless of their stated reasons, are 70-80% inborn. Few people in EA seem to be talking about this topic. If true, it could explain the wildly different accounts of the effect of veg*n diets on health, and presents barriers to making veg*nism normal. I’d like better-informed people with more domain knowledge to weigh in on whether these are good studies and my interpretation is correct.