I follow this site via RSS recently, there have been a few times I have seen articles posted in my rss reader that I wanted to comment on but when I visited the site I could not find the articles—are these articles that people have posted and subsequently deleted/changed their mind about?
The article that prompted this was stefan’s article that is now at the top of page—I got. Few different version in my rss and I don’t think this is first time it has happened—did he delete the article and republish it or tweak a few times or was I seeing drafts?
Ah, I think that I saw the post on the site, then it disappeared, then came back again. That would suggest that he put it back into his drafts to edit it before posting again, which would explain your experience, but you’d have to ask him.
I follow this site via RSS recently, there have been a few times I have seen articles posted in my rss reader that I wanted to comment on but when I visited the site I could not find the articles—are these articles that people have posted and subsequently deleted/changed their mind about?
I think so. There’s no secret parts of the site! Feel free to ask me if it happens again!
The article that prompted this was stefan’s article that is now at the top of page—I got. Few different version in my rss and I don’t think this is first time it has happened—did he delete the article and republish it or tweak a few times or was I seeing drafts?
Ah, I think that I saw the post on the site, then it disappeared, then came back again. That would suggest that he put it back into his drafts to edit it before posting again, which would explain your experience, but you’d have to ask him.
Ahh ok that makes sense just wanted to check drafts were not being inadvertently published in the rss or something