Thank you Gavriel for taking the time to write this out and thank you again for your original submission on ways that philanthropic funders can help address indoor air quality, which I encourage others to check out. I’m really sorry to hear you felt burnt out after completing the entry.
Although essay prizes and contests are quite prevalent in the EA community, this was very much an experiment for global health and wellbeing cause prioritization team at Open Phil. A major objective of the lower value prizes and participation awards was to enable people to feel able to submit ideas that were good / on their mind, but not fully polished. Personally I think we were reasonably successful with that—but if we run anything similar again, we’ll definitely consider a smoother gradient and tweaking other parameters.
[Context—I managed the Cause Exploration Prizes]
Thank you Gavriel for taking the time to write this out and thank you again for your original submission on ways that philanthropic funders can help address indoor air quality, which I encourage others to check out. I’m really sorry to hear you felt burnt out after completing the entry.
Although essay prizes and contests are quite prevalent in the EA community, this was very much an experiment for global health and wellbeing cause prioritization team at Open Phil. A major objective of the lower value prizes and participation awards was to enable people to feel able to submit ideas that were good / on their mind, but not fully polished. Personally I think we were reasonably successful with that—but if we run anything similar again, we’ll definitely consider a smoother gradient and tweaking other parameters.