Agree with the sentiment, but we’re most definitely not rolling our own crypto. The method above relies on the public and extremely-widely-vetted SHA256 algorithm. This algorithm has the nice property that even slightly different inputs produce wildly different outputs. Secondly, it should distribute these outputs uniformly across the entire possibility space. This means that it would be useless to bruteforce the prediction, because each of your candidates would have an even chance of ending up basically anywhere.
For example, compare the input strings 1111111111111111111111111111 and 1111111111111111111111111112 with their SHA256 outputs:
It doesn’t matter how much of the API response remains the same (for example, we could pad the input of every hash we generated with the same fixed string and have the same randomness properties as the proposal above). All that matters is that each response is going to be (unpredictably) different from the next.
ETA: It’s perhaps more helpful to see the digits from the API response as a publicly verifiable seed to a pseudorandom number generator, rather than as the random number itself.
Agree with the sentiment, but we’re most definitely not rolling our own crypto. The method above relies on the public and extremely-widely-vetted SHA256 algorithm. This algorithm has the nice property that even slightly different inputs produce wildly different outputs. Secondly, it should distribute these outputs uniformly across the entire possibility space. This means that it would be useless to bruteforce the prediction, because each of your candidates would have an even chance of ending up basically anywhere.
For example, compare the input strings
with their SHA256 outputs:It doesn’t matter how much of the API response remains the same (for example, we could pad the input of every hash we generated with the same fixed string and have the same randomness properties as the proposal above). All that matters is that each response is going to be (unpredictably) different from the next.
ETA: It’s perhaps more helpful to see the digits from the API response as a publicly verifiable seed to a pseudorandom number generator, rather than as the random number itself.