A fortune-teller with a so-far perfect record of predictions has placed either 0 or 100 persons in an opque box some distance down the track. If the fortune-teller predicted you will pull the lever, killing the 5 people tiedto the track, ze will have left the opaque box empty. If the fortune-teller predicted you will NOT pull the lever (avoiding the 5 people tied to the track but still hitting the box), ze will have placed 100 people into the opaque box. Since the fortune-teller has already made zir choice of how many people to put into the opque box, is it more rational to pull the lever or not?
Here, the act that fulfil the criterion of rightness is the opposite of the act you will take, whether you pull the lever or not (by the design of the thought experiment).
The decision procedure that maximize the criteria of rightness is to pull the lever (under a few further assumptions, such as: no quantum mixed strategies, no other superbeings punishing you for having this decision procedure).
Accompanying image: https://photos.app.goo.gl/LvaVQye6tJBVqw2k8
Here, the act that fulfil the criterion of rightness is the opposite of the act you will take, whether you pull the lever or not (by the design of the thought experiment).
The decision procedure that maximize the criteria of rightness is to pull the lever (under a few further assumptions, such as: no quantum mixed strategies, no other superbeings punishing you for having this decision procedure).