Jona Glade (EA Consulting Network) Office Hours

This event is part of the EAGxPrague Online Talks series. Office hours are an opportunity to come to talk toour speakers and ask them questions.

Jona will be happy to talk about:
-Building the EACN
-How to do the most good as a consultant
-Potential of workplace and professional groups (my current project with CEA. See a draft for the EA forum post here)
-His experience with influencing organizations

Jona founded the Effective Altruism and Consulting Network and is currently working with the CEA on workplace and professional groups. In addition, he is also a consultant with BCG and a PhD student on AI and decision making.

Register here: https://​​​​meeting/​​register/​​tZwvcuyorT8vHdJqRA7xdIePm9CVeO3Uhsnh