Something I used to call ‘outside view’ is asking ‘what would someone other than me think of this’, like trying to imagine how someone outside of myself would view something. I think it’s a technique I learnt from CBT and would often take the form of ‘what would a wise, empathetic friend advise you to do?’ . I realised you could do it with various viewpoints. For example, you could imagine looking at current affairs from the viewpoint of an alien viewing earth from afar. I’m not sure what the term for this is.
That sounds like a useful technique. “Outside view” would be a good term for it if it wasn’t already being used to mean so many other things. :/ How about “Neutral observer” or “friend’s advice” or “hypothetical friend?”
Something I used to call ‘outside view’ is asking ‘what would someone other than me think of this’, like trying to imagine how someone outside of myself would view something. I think it’s a technique I learnt from CBT and would often take the form of ‘what would a wise, empathetic friend advise you to do?’ . I realised you could do it with various viewpoints. For example, you could imagine looking at current affairs from the viewpoint of an alien viewing earth from afar. I’m not sure what the term for this is.
That sounds like a useful technique. “Outside view” would be a good term for it if it wasn’t already being used to mean so many other things. :/ How about “Neutral observer” or “friend’s advice” or “hypothetical friend?”