Do you have views on the strength of the evidence base here? I thought it was more mixed than you make it out to be, and the anecdotal evidence cuts both ways.
I don’t want to make too strong a claim here; my current guess is basically “C02 doesn’t (at normalish levels) decrease intelligence per se; it makes you tired and lazy” (so playing a fun and low executive function game less affected perhaps?) On the other hand I recently learned that it’s anxiogenic, which intuitively points in the opposite direction of arousal so I really don’t know...
On the other other hand, compare air quality at large to, say, “temperature while studying,” where the outcome variable measured is final grade. Would I really get worse grades if it was always 75° instead of 65°? I’m not sure, but even null result RCT for air conditioning affect on academic performance or math problems completed in a minute wouldn’t convince me that temperature has no causal effect on cognition-intensive tasks; ceteris paribus is ~impossible to achieve!
Do you have views on the strength of the evidence base here? I thought it was more mixed than you make it out to be, and the anecdotal evidence cuts both ways.
I don’t want to make too strong a claim here; my current guess is basically “C02 doesn’t (at normalish levels) decrease intelligence per se; it makes you tired and lazy” (so playing a fun and low executive function game less affected perhaps?) On the other hand I recently learned that it’s anxiogenic, which intuitively points in the opposite direction of arousal so I really don’t know...
On the other other hand, compare air quality at large to, say, “temperature while studying,” where the outcome variable measured is final grade. Would I really get worse grades if it was always 75° instead of 65°? I’m not sure, but even null result RCT for air conditioning affect on academic performance or math problems completed in a minute wouldn’t convince me that temperature has no causal effect on cognition-intensive tasks; ceteris paribus is ~impossible to achieve!