Median is ~3-4 decades away. I’d call that “a few”, rather than “several” (sorry to nitpick, but I think this is important: several implies “no need to worry about it, probably not going to happen in my lifetime”, whereas a few implies (for the majority of people) “this is within my lifetime; I should sit up and pay attention.”)
The way I sometimes phrase it to people is that I now think it’s more urgent than Climate Change (and people understand that Climate Change is getting quite urgent, and is something that will have a big impact within their lifetimes).
Median is ~3-4 decades away. I’d call that “a few”, rather than “several” (sorry to nitpick, but I think this is important: several implies “no need to worry about it, probably not going to happen in my lifetime”, whereas a few implies (for the majority of people) “this is within my lifetime; I should sit up and pay attention.”)
The way I sometimes phrase it to people is that I now think it’s more urgent than Climate Change (and people understand that Climate Change is getting quite urgent, and is something that will have a big impact within their lifetimes).