Yes! I have actually created a facebook group and will go public with a post on this forum and elsewhere soon. The reason I haven’t shared it thus far is we are still deciding on a name for the organization as a whole—there’s been quite a bit of discussion as to whether “EA for Jews”; “Jews for EA”; “EA and Judaism” etc is best. I’ll post an update on the forum shortly, likely this week.
Also Ben, is there a Jews and EA Facebook group – any plans to set one up? Or if I set one up do you think you could email / share it?
Yes! I have actually created a facebook group and will go public with a post on this forum and elsewhere soon. The reason I haven’t shared it thus far is we are still deciding on a name for the organization as a whole—there’s been quite a bit of discussion as to whether “EA for Jews”; “Jews for EA”; “EA and Judaism” etc is best. I’ll post an update on the forum shortly, likely this week.