1) We’re working on developing buyer personas internally right now.
2) We are testing merchandise against the target. Check out this article here as an example.
3) PR in the social media world is a much looser and fluid thing than it used to be. This book has been especially impactful in shaping the Intentional Insights approach to PR.
On a meta-level, this EA Forum post was meant to get EAs interested in the project of creating merchandise, and building allies who might be interested in collaborating on it. If you have marketing expertise yourself, I’d be interested in the possibility of chatting with you about this. My email is gleb@intentionalinsights.org
1) We’re working on developing buyer personas internally right now.
2) We are testing merchandise against the target. Check out this article here as an example.
3) PR in the social media world is a much looser and fluid thing than it used to be. This book has been especially impactful in shaping the Intentional Insights approach to PR.
On a meta-level, this EA Forum post was meant to get EAs interested in the project of creating merchandise, and building allies who might be interested in collaborating on it. If you have marketing expertise yourself, I’d be interested in the possibility of chatting with you about this. My email is gleb@intentionalinsights.org