I was not very aware about this topic until recently when somebody wanted to discuss outreach towards non-academics with me. We are in contact with an adult education center (Volkshochschule) and might offer an Intro Fellowship there. It might be worth considering starting an EA group for high school graduates (no college) , comparable to EA for Christians, but I haven’t thought much about it and this should be founded by people without tertiary education (chicken egg problem).
I kinda think Christians, or students of X university, have something positive that unites them and makes sense to approach them as a group—while “non college-educated people” do not.
I do think it’s worth to reach out to these people, but I don’t know if that would be the right framing. Maybe indeed someone in this group would be better equipped to think about this, as you said.
In Norway there’s a local group for a county/state that doesn’t really have a large university. That group has a bunch of farmers and tradespeople in it :)
I was not very aware about this topic until recently when somebody wanted to discuss outreach towards non-academics with me. We are in contact with an adult education center (Volkshochschule) and might offer an Intro Fellowship there. It might be worth considering starting an EA group for high school graduates (no college) , comparable to EA for Christians, but I haven’t thought much about it and this should be founded by people without tertiary education (chicken egg problem).
I kinda think Christians, or students of X university, have something positive that unites them and makes sense to approach them as a group—while “non college-educated people” do not.
I do think it’s worth to reach out to these people, but I don’t know if that would be the right framing. Maybe indeed someone in this group would be better equipped to think about this, as you said.
In Norway there’s a local group for a county/state that doesn’t really have a large university. That group has a bunch of farmers and tradespeople in it :)