What type of legal entity is Redwood Research operating as/under? Is it plausible that at some point the project will be funded by investors and that shareholders will be able to financially profit?
We’re a nonprofit. We don’t have plans to make profits, and it seems less likely than e.g. OpenAI that in the future we would go nonprofit --> tandem for-profit / nonprofit, but there are a variety of revenue-generating things I can imagine us doing (e.g. consulting with industry labs to help them align their models).
What type of legal entity is Redwood Research operating as/under? Is it plausible that at some point the project will be funded by investors and that shareholders will be able to financially profit?
We’re a nonprofit. We don’t have plans to make profits, and it seems less likely than e.g. OpenAI that in the future we would go nonprofit --> tandem for-profit / nonprofit, but there are a variety of revenue-generating things I can imagine us doing (e.g. consulting with industry labs to help them align their models).