Online Reading Discussion Group: The Feeling of Value by Sharon Hewitt Rawlette

Please use this link to officially sign up—you will not receive registration details unless you fill out this quick Airtable form—https://​​​​3woSo3b

How do we describe the “good” we wish to promote in the world? Where does it come from? Subjective experience? Or is it something more fundamental? Could it be measured?

In Sharon Hewitt Rawlette’s The Feeling of Value, Rawlette invites us to consider possible objective indicators of value. She explores how feelings might be the intrinsic value that we wish to improve in the world and argues that these feelings lay the foundation for our ethical conceptions.

Join the EA NYC community for this thoughtful discussion on metaethics and moral realism! The conversation will be open-ended and participant-driven, so no need for an advanced understanding of philosophy. Simply read the work and come with your thoughts, questions, feelings, and ideas!

After checking out the book, join the Effective Altruism NYC community to discuss! You can prep and share your own questions for the group, or feel free to join for a participant-driven conversation. You can also join the #reading-group channel in our Slack for more conversation before and after the event! https://​​​​eanycslack

Find the book on Amazon here: https://​​​​Feeling-Value-Grounded-Phenomenal-Consciousness/​​dp/​​1534768017

If you need assistance paying for a copy of the book, please reach out to Alex at least two weeks before the discussion:

Please register here to attend (required) - https://​​​​3woSo3b

Please find all EA NYC event information—including our Code of Conduct, food policy, covid policy, and information on past and future events—here on our website: https://​​​​events

You can also find us on Facebook, Meetup, and Eventbrite! http://​​​​groups/​​eanyc/​​events https://​​​​effective-altruism-nyc/​​events/​​ https://​​​​o/​​effective-altruism-nyc-55938838923

For those new to effective altruism, here are a couple of good introductions. In short, EA is about using evidence to carefully analyze how, given limited resources, we can help others the *most*. https://​​​​watch?v=48VAQtGmfWY

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