In the future different types of rewards could probably improve results of initiatives like this.
We’re likely going to announce subsequent prizes as this project develops. “Best critique of longtermism” will probably be the first. Please let me know if you have any ideas.
Giving many small rewards with little uncertainty for the recipients, would result in many people trying blogging, without so many adverse selection effects.
This is what we are doing through our grant making program. Feel free to refer people to We want to make sure that financial restraint doesn’t prevent potentially high quality bloggers from starting blogs.
Thanks for these comments.
We’re likely going to announce subsequent prizes as this project develops. “Best critique of longtermism” will probably be the first. Please let me know if you have any ideas.
This is what we are doing through our grant making program. Feel free to refer people to We want to make sure that financial restraint doesn’t prevent potentially high quality bloggers from starting blogs.