The Life You Can Save’s 2018 Annual Report

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Key Excerpts:

In 2018, we continued to see strong growth in our key metrics. Our most important metric, “Net Impact” (the money we raise for our Recommended Nonprofits, or RNPs, minus our operating expenses), reached nearly $4.8 million, up 43% relative to 2017. Since 2014, our Net Impact has grown at a 73% compound annual growth rate, demonstrating our consistent ability to increase the amount of money we move to great causes…. Our “Leverage Factor,” (the ratio of money raised for our RNPs to our operating expenses) was about 11:1, i.e. ~$11 was raised for our recommended nonprofits for every $1 we spent running our organization..

Much of our efforts in 2018 were spent on projects that reduced our short-term leverage factor, but that we expect to be major drivers of our organization’s activities in 2019 and beyond. We’re particularly excited about three projects that we expect to dramatically widen our audience and grow support for effective poverty interventions:

  • Our Team is working with our founder Peter Singer on a 10th anniversary updated edition of Peter’s landmark book The Life You Can Save: How to Do Your Part to End World Poverty, which, of course, we are named after. We will be creating and distributing the new version in print, ebook and audiobook forms, and are lining up an exciting group of high-profile names to be chapter narrators of the audiobook. The relaunch is scheduled for late 2019.

  • In late 2018, we formed a partnership with Samhita Social Ventures, a highly successful Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) organization in India. The new organization, called High Impact Philanthropy (HIP), will do the same type of work that TLYCS does, but it will be raising money to be used only in India, where there are over 500 million people living in or close to the extreme poverty line.

  • In the second half of 2018, we also laid the groundwork for The Life You Can Save Australia. Our founder Peter Singer’s home country has always been our second largest market in money moved, and the new entity will help unlock further opportunities. Fully launching by mid-2019, our Australian affiliate will raise funds for many of our RNPs. You can read more details about these exciting initiatives as well as other 2018 achievements and 2019 plans in the body of this report.