We provide a whole range of supports, from on-going weekly coaching/mentoring, advisors, retreats, sharing resources, workshops, giving administrative, logistical, and legal support. We do whatever we can to help. It’s not perfect and we’d like to be able to give even more, but on the whole we are always there if a charity asks for help.
We help find new hires, we help access funding, we’ve even set up a yearly “insurance” system where our charities can opt to place a small % of their donations as a “rainy day fund” for a charity in the pool that has a timing issue securing funding.
—- then to address your question more specifically…
We help with visa applications, endorsements etc, and if you’re moving to London we can provide shared office space at our HQ.
We also provide stipends to cover living costs for a month or so after the program if needed.
For those who start a charity, the specific costs of relocation can be added to their funding proposal and spent down as the founders see fit. We provide access to the network of funders. But it’s up to the founders to pay themselves what they need to do the work. It’s their choice. We don’t stipulate salaries. So if you need to relocate then we’d encourage you to include this in your proposal.
(This first bit is copied from below)
We provide a whole range of supports, from on-going weekly coaching/mentoring, advisors, retreats, sharing resources, workshops, giving administrative, logistical, and legal support. We do whatever we can to help. It’s not perfect and we’d like to be able to give even more, but on the whole we are always there if a charity asks for help.
We help find new hires, we help access funding, we’ve even set up a yearly “insurance” system where our charities can opt to place a small % of their donations as a “rainy day fund” for a charity in the pool that has a timing issue securing funding.
—- then to address your question more specifically…
We help with visa applications, endorsements etc, and if you’re moving to London we can provide shared office space at our HQ.
We also provide stipends to cover living costs for a month or so after the program if needed.
For those who start a charity, the specific costs of relocation can be added to their funding proposal and spent down as the founders see fit. We provide access to the network of funders. But it’s up to the founders to pay themselves what they need to do the work. It’s their choice. We don’t stipulate salaries. So if you need to relocate then we’d encourage you to include this in your proposal.
Thanks so much for the elaborate and helpful response! This is great to know.