My intuitive understanding of the Alice personality type (independent, skeptical, etc.) is that they are often very entrepreneurial (a skill EA desperately needs), but not usually “joiners”. I have no doubt that a lot could be improved about community building, but there may always be some tension there that is difficult to resolve.
It may be that the best we can hope for in a lot of those cases are people who understand EA ideas and use them to inform their work, but don’t consider themselves EAs. That seems fine to me. Like person 1 in your real life example seems like a big win, even if they don’t consider themselves EA. If the EA intro talk she attended helped get her on that track, then it “worked” for her in some sense.
My intuitive understanding of the Alice personality type (independent, skeptical, etc.) is that they are often very entrepreneurial (a skill EA desperately needs), but not usually “joiners”. I have no doubt that a lot could be improved about community building, but there may always be some tension there that is difficult to resolve.
It may be that the best we can hope for in a lot of those cases are people who understand EA ideas and use them to inform their work, but don’t consider themselves EAs. That seems fine to me. Like person 1 in your real life example seems like a big win, even if they don’t consider themselves EA. If the EA intro talk she attended helped get her on that track, then it “worked” for her in some sense.