e.g. in Telegram, I can’t react to images that are sent without text & in some old group chats I can’t react to anything
You can react to images without text. But you need to tap on the side of the image, since tapping on the image itself maximizes it. (I agree this behavior is somewhat unintuitive.)
The absent reactions in old chats is because admins have the option of allowing or disallowing reactions, and since the group chats were created before reactions were introduced, Telegram doesn’t assume admins agreed to allow them; instead, they have to be enabled manually.
You can react to images without text. But you need to tap on the side of the image, since tapping on the image itself maximizes it. (I agree this behavior is somewhat unintuitive.)
The absent reactions in old chats is because admins have the option of allowing or disallowing reactions, and since the group chats were created before reactions were introduced, Telegram doesn’t assume admins agreed to allow them; instead, they have to be enabled manually.
Thanks, this is useful to know!