Movement Building: Charity Elections for High Schoolers

Hello, EAs! My name is Greg, and I am a graduate student in school psychology working on bringing effective altruism to high schoolers. This post serves to (a) introduce the charity election program and (b) request support promoting the event among EAs (both educators and student leaders) in high schools.

In regard to (a), a charity election is a school-wide event in which high schoolers vote among three charities to decide which will receive up to $2,000 in sponsored funds. Additional information about the program is included in the links below:

In regard to (b), the program is open to new applications. Please feel free to share the webpage with teachers or students in your networks who might be interested in organizing a charity election at their school. Student leaders receive service leadership certificates, and 100% of sponsored funds are given to high-impact charities. The program was created with The Life You Can Save in 2018; as it is now cause-neutral, 2021 charity elections are sponsored by Giving What We Can.

If you know teachers/​students who might be interested in running a charity election and would like to connect them with sponsorship, a sample draft of a message is below.

Hi __! I recently came across a unique program for high schoolers, in which students vote in an election for three charities with real sponsored money. Student leaders who organize the event receive service leadership certificates, and I thought you might be interested in it because ____. Feel free to check it out if you get the chance and know students who would be interested in applying for sponsorship!

Thanks for considering this! Please feel free to connect with me via email or LinkedIn if you share an interest in bringing EA to high schoolers. -Greg